U-BSOL is a cloud based SAS modal business application which provides web application, mobile apps and desktop applications for any business. It has wide range of eCommerce system, booking system, tracking system and billing system, etc…

Contact Info

U-BSOL - LLP Malappuram-Manjeri Road, Panayi, Perimbalam[Po], Malappuram [Dst], Kerala , India - 676509
[email protected]
+91 4832944414

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Join Us

Registration takes less than a minute. We offer you a smarter way to create, manage and grow your business through online. This step will makes massive exposure through internet for your own brand identity. Registration is totally free, credit card is not required for joining us. Just complete these 4 steps to start your new delightful journey with us.

Create your U-BSOL account

Please login first with this link if you are already U-BSOL member.

Business Details

Enter the business details to build your U-BSOL store.


Select any of website template for your web application.

Contact Address

Enter your business contact address.

Package Details


Business Package

Duration : yearly

Subtotal :

₹ 35,000.00

Tax :

₹ 6,300.00

Registration FAQ

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

  1. Go to the website www.u-bsol.com
  2. Choose the subscription package as per your needs
  3. Complete the registration process
  4. Review the Terms and Conditions and accept by clicking on the checkbox
  5. Hit the submit button
  6. You will be redirected into your merchant dashboard
  7. Fill your business profile
  8. Complete the payment process
  9. We will confirm the payment and start your application provisioning
  10. Our technical team will contact you to confirm about your domain name DNS updates
  11. Confirm your email by clicking the confirm button on the received email
  12. After completing the provisioning, We will send you the username and password of your store application into that email

As SAAS model application, the software (application) is already installed and configured. So that it doesn’t require any further development, unless you require custom developments. Your web application will be ready within 24hous after you competing the store profile and personal profile. The mobile application will be placed into the play store within 5 days after completing the web application deployment.

Yes, you can use your own existing domain and make your website live. You just simply add your domain in your business profile. You must change your name server settings based on our server in order to load this application under your domain. Our technical team will help your this task.

After completing the application provisioning, we will send you the username and password of your store application into that email. Just click on the login link which shows in your store application and enter this received username and password. You will be redirected into your store admin dashboard.

Yes. You can cancel your subscription any time. Just send us the request though your admin dashboard. Your request will be process within 3 working days.

No, normally there is no hidden fee other than our package. But will charge you additionally in case you have additional requirement (Example: Custom module development, Different hosting server)

Yes, it will work on desktops, laptops, mobile and tablets. The website will automatically render to the device specifics with best user experience. It support all modern browsers.

If you would prefer your own Play Store and Apple Store account, you would have to purchase them. A Play store account costs INR. 2500 while the Apple store charges $100 every year. Alternatively, we can publish your app on our U-BSOL account without above mentioned rates.

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