U-BSOL market place is a mall of U-BSOL merchant. All U-BSOL merchants will be listed arranged based on location and business categories. U-BSOL paid merchants can set offers and promotion into this market place. U-BSOL team will do the marketing campaigns, SEO and several contests to bring public customers into this portal. U-BSOL merchants will be beneficial for this entire customer.
Any business can be register into U-BSOL market place through www.ubsol-shops.com. Your application will be verified by U-BSOL team. After successfully completing the verification you will be part of U-BSOL market place. All of our paid merchants are already part of U-BSOL market place
U-BSOL market place is totally free. But there is more advantage for the paid merchants.
U-BSOL paid merchants will be always on the top of the business listing on the market place. U-BSOL paid merchants can set offers and promotions on the market place that will lead the customer into merchant’s website.
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